Course Catalog

Tuition and Costs


Tuition & Fees: $20,550
Books & Supplies: $2,600
Digital Curriculum/Textbooks: $925
Ohio Sales Tax (6.5%): $229.13
Registration Fee: $100

Total: $24,404.13

*Student kit includes all professional tools, supplies, textbooks, iPad and mannequins needed.


Tuition: $13,295
Student Kit: $1,806
Digital Curriculum/Textbooks: 625
Ohio Sales Tax (6.5%): 182.32
Registration Fee: $100

Total: $15,984.02


Tuition: *No additional charge
Student Kit: $480*
Total: $480

*Student kit includes all professional tools, supplies, textbooks, iPad and mannequins needed.


300 Hours

Advanced course applies to individuals that have completed 1500 hours in Cosmetology.

Payment Methods

Cash, Check, Credit Card or Sallie Mae Smart Option Loan, VA* and Federal Aid are available for those who qualify. Cash payments are due before start date or if enrolled after the 6 week deadline the tuition is due ten days from the date of the signed contract or before the 1st day of class whichever is earlier, unless there is an acceptable funding plan.

Observed Holidays, School Closings and Inclement Weather are recorded as such, and extend the enrollment contract.

Net Price Calculator

Health and Safety

Annual Security Reports

The Institute publishes a security report by October 1st to every student/prospective student/staff member upon request. This report is also available on the student services board. A copy of the Aveda Fredric’s Institute Annual Security Report may be requested from the Administrative/Professional Development office. This report includes statistics for the three previous years concerning reported crimes that occurred on-campus; property owned or controlled by the Aveda Fredric’s Institute; within, or immediately adjacent to and accessible from, the campus. The report also includes institutional policies concerning campus security, such as policies concerning sexual assault and other matters. You can obtain a copy of this report by contacting the Administrative/Professional Development office.

Download Annual Security Report

Sexual Harassment Policies & Grievance Procedures

Download Sexual Harassment Policies

Notice of Non-Discrimination & Sexual Harassment Policies & Grievance Procedures

Download Notice

College Scorecard

Student Body Diversity


The Aveda Fredric’s Institute is eligible to participate in the Title IV Federal Student Aid program administrated by the U.S. Department of Education; for those who qualify. Please see the directions below to obtain Title IV Aid. The money provided through these programs can be in the form of grants, loans, or combination of any of these programs. Grants are monies given by the United States Government. They do not have to be repaid. Loans are borrowed money. They must be repaid with interest. Please contact the Financial Aid Office for more details. Please follow the steps listed below to apply for Financial Aid

  1. Apply for an FSA User ID at
  2. Complete a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
  3. Accept the amount on the Financial Aid Award Letter
  4. Contact Financial Aid Office to start the process
    Cincinnati – 513-533-0700
    Indianapolis – 317-578-5500


Before receiving a student loan at the Institute, borrowers must complete an entrance counseling session. This quick and easy interactive counseling session provides useful tips and tools to help you develop a budget for managing your educational expenses and helps you to understand your loan responsibilities.

This online entrance counseling session will take about 20-30 minutes to complete. Students must visit to complete their entrance counseling before receiving a student loan.


Prior to graduating or leaving the Institute, borrowers are required to complete an exit counseling session. This online exit counseling session has been created to make sure that you understand your rights and responsibilities as a Direct Loan borrower.

Student must visit to complete their exit counseling.


The Institute does not receive State Grant assistance


Title IV Aid – School Code of Conduct Policy

The Aveda Fredric’s Institute strives to educate, counsel, and provide financial resources to all students so that they may achieve their higher-learning goals to be prepared for careers in the fields of cosmetology and esthiology.

In compliance with the federal law, Aveda Fredric’s Institute officers, employees, and agents shall maintain exemplary standards of professional conduct in all aspects of carrying out his or her responsibilities, including all dealings with any entities involved in any manner in student financial aid, regardless of whether such entities are involved in a government sponsored, subsidized, or regulated activity.

Any officers, employees and agents shall refrain from:

  • Entering into any revenue-sharing arrangements with any lender.
  • Soliciting or accepting any gift from a lender, guarantor, or servicer of education loans. For purposes of this prohibition, the term “gift” means any gratuity, favor, discount, entertainment, hospitality, loan, or other item having a monetary value of more than a de minimus amount.
  • Accepting from any lender or affiliate of any lender any fee, payment, or other financial benefit (including the opportunity to purchase stock) as compensation for any type of consulting arrangement or other contract to provide services to a lender or on behalf of a lender relating to education loans.
  • Assigning, through award packaging or other methods, the borrower’s loan to a particular lender; or refuse to certify, or delay certification of, any loan based on the borrower’s selection of a particular lender or guaranty agency.
  • Requesting or accepting from any lender any offer of funds to be used for private education loans, including funds for an opportunity pool loan, to students in exchange for the institution providing concessions or promises regarding providing the lender with specified number of loans, volume, or a preferred lender arrangement for such loans.
  • Requesting or accepting from any lender any assistance with call center staffing or financial aid office staffing.
  • Receiving anything of value from the lender, guarantor, or group of lenders or guarantors for any employee who is employed in the financial aid office, or who otherwise has responsibilities with respect to Aveda Fredric’s education loans or other student financial aid, and who serves on an advisory board, commission, or group established by a lender, guarantor, or group of lenders or guarantors, except that the employee may be reimbursed for reasonable expenses incurred in serving on such advisory board, commission, or group.

Any officers, employees or agents pledges to diligently:

  • Help students seek, obtain, and make the best use of all financial resources available and provide services that do not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, financial status, sex, ethnic origin, age, veteran status or sexual orientation.
  • Respect and protect the confidentiality the students records and of the economic circumstances of the student and student’s family. Information will be released only on the written consent of the student and/or student’s family, and all policies and procedures shall protect the student’s right of privacy.
  • Commit to the highest level of ethical behavior and refrain from conflict of interest or the perception thereof.


The Truth in Lending Act (TILA) requires that before a private educational lender may consummate a private education loan (Sallie Mae) for a postsecondary student, the private education lender must obtain the completed and signed Self-Certification Form from the applicant. Every student must complete this form before accepting a loan and return it to Sallie Mae before they can process.


In compliance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974 the school follows policies that:

  • The right to inspect and review the student’s education records within 45 days of the day the Institute receives a request for access. A student should submit to the Director of Education a written request that identifies the record(s) the student wishes to inspect. The Director of Education will make arrangements for access and notify the student of the time and place where the records may be inspected.
  • The right to request the amendment of the student’s education records that the student believes are inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of the student’s privacy rights under FERPA. A student who wishes to ask the Institute to amend a record should write the Director of Education, clearly identify the part of the record the student wants changed, and specify why it should be changed. If the Institute decides not to amend the record as requested, the Director of Education will notify the student in writing of the decision and the student’s right to a hearing regarding the request for amendment. Additional information regarding the hearing procedures will be provided to the student when notified of the right to a hearing.
  • The right to provide written consent before the Institute discloses personally identifiable information from the student’s education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent. The Institute discloses education records without a student’s prior written consent under the FERPA exception for disclosure to school officials with legitimate educational interests. A school official is a person employed by the Institute in an administrative, supervisory, academic or research, or support staff position; a person or company with whom the Institute has contracted as its agent to provide a service instead of using Institute employees or officials (such as an attorney, auditor, or collection agent); a person serving on the Advisory Committee; or a student serving on an official committee, such as a disciplinary or grievance committee, or assisting another school official in performing his or her tasks. A school official has a legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review an education record in order to fulfill his or her professional responsibilities for the Institute.
  • The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by the Institute to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The name and address of the Office that administers FERPA is:Family Policy Compliance Office
    U.S. Department of Education
    400 Maryland Avenue, SW
    Washington, DC 20202-5901The Institute requires written authorization from a student or parent or guardian (in case of a minor) or graduate in order to release academic, attendance, enrollment status, financial aid and/or any other information to agencies, prospective employers, or any other party seeking information about the student. NACCAS reserves the right to inspect student records for any accreditation purposes. The institute requires written consent from the student or guardian for release of records in response to each third party request unless otherwise required by the law.


The Central Processing System (CPS) randomly selects financial aid applications for a process called “verification.” The Financial Aid Office will verify all applications selected by the federal processor. In addition, the Financial Aid Office may verify any application that appears to have inaccurate or conflicting information even though it was not selected by the federal processor.

Financial aid applicants selected for verification must comply with the verification procedures set forth in the Federal regulations. Applicants will be notified that they have been selected for verification, either by the Federal Processor through a comment on the Student Aid Report (SAR) or by Aveda Fredric’s Institute through a letter and/or e-mail.

Aveda Fredric’s Institute will use the Federal Verification Worksheet. The verification worksheet will be available by paper in the Financial Aid Office. The completed worksheets, along with the proper support documentation, must be returned to the Financial Aid Office 30 days after the student has been notified or prior to starting school. The Financial Aid Office will follow the procedures outlined in the Federal Financial Aid Handbook to complete the verification process.

Items to be Verified:

  • Adjusted Gross Income (AGI)
  • Federal Income Tax Paid
  • Number of Family Members in the Household
  • Number of Family Members Attending College at least half-time

Untaxed Income:

  • Child support
  • Pensions & IRA/Keogh deductions
  • Interest on Tax-free bonds
  • All other untaxed income included on the Federal tax return; excluding information on the schedules.

Failure to provide the requested documentation will result in discontinued processing of the financial aid application. Conflicting data must be verified before the process can be completed. Title IV aid will not be disbursed until the verification process has been completed by the Financial Aid Office. Corrections to data will result in a recalculation of eligibility. If the recalculation results in a change to the Expected Family Contribution, the Financial Aid Office will submit the corrections electronically to the Federal Processor. When the corrected Institutional Student Information Record (ISIR) is received, the awarding process will continue and financial aid eligibility will be determined from the new ISIR. The student will be notified of any corrections via a revised Student Aid Report from the Federal Processing Center.


As a condition for enrollment, the Aveda Fredric’s Institute requires that students provide valid proof of education. This includes a copy of a prospective student’s high school diploma, high school transcript or a General Equivalency Diploma (“GED”). The Institute does not accept Ability to Benefit (“ATB”) students. The Ohio Education Department recognizes state registered home school programs with a state ID that is recorded on their official diplomas.

If high school information appears to be questionable an official transcript will be requested and evaluated by the director of admissions prior to enrolling the student. Particular attention shall be paid to situations involving online programs, older adult learners, or in situations where several students from the same online school have sought enrollment.

Upon receipt, the director of admissions shall review the transcript with particular attention to the student’s date of entry and graduation date. Sufficient time lapse should occur between such dates.

If the high school information cannot be verified, the student will be required to take and pass a GED test prior to enrollment.


Though Home-Schooled students are not considered to have a high school diploma or equivalent, they are eligible for admission into the Aveda Fredric’s Institute. Home-School students must provide a copy of their complete high school transcript. Home-School transcripts must include the following information:

  1. Name, Address, and Phone Number of Home-School.
  2. Students personal information (name, address, date of birth, social security number).
  3. Itemization of courses and final grades achieved for each grade level accomplished.
  4. Date of Graduation.
  5. Name and signature of the Home-School Administrator.

Home-School transcripts must be notarized by a Notary Public and sent to the Institute’s Admissions Office in an envelope sealed and sent by the Home-School Administrator. Every Ohio and Indiana home-schooled student must submit written verification from the appropriate school district that student has been excused from compulsory attendance for home education.

If the high school information cannot be verified, the student will be required to take and pass a GED test prior to enrollment.


If there is an emergency or dangerous situation that occurs on the campus, the student/staff must immediately dial 911 and notify the closest Administrative/Professional Development office. The Aveda Fredric’s Institute will, without delay will determine the content of the notification and inform the entire campus, unless the notification will, in the professional judgment of responsible authorities, compromise efforts to assist victims or to contain, respond to, or otherwise mitigate the emergency. Please contact a staff member, Administrative/Professional Development, if there is a significant emergency. They will determine the content of the notification, and initiate the notification system. This list of people will include:

Toni Estrellado
(513) 533-0700 x5589

Deana Kozel
(513) 533-0700 x1161


The Institute is a drug-free environment. No alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs are permitted in or around school property. Any student suspected of being under the influence will be sent home for the day. (The decision to dismiss a student is solely at the discretion of the Institute and need not be supported by actual proof of drug/alcohol abuse.) It is unlawful to sell, furnish or provide alcohol to anyone under the age of 21 according to the State of Ohio and Indiana. Any student distributing illegal or prescribed drugs to other students will be immediately and permanently dismissed. The local police department will be notified of any suspected distribution of illegal substances. Students taking over-the-counter medication that may affect functioning should inform the instructor.

Student Participation may be terminated by School for the following causes: Possesses and/ or distributes alcohol or drugs in or around school property.

Please click here for a complete copy of the Institute’s Drug Free School Policy.


Students and Employees are referred to the Administration/Student Services office to receive information on referral numbers. This information is accessible on the student services board located in the student lunch area.

Universal Crisis and Drug Abuse Hotline: 1-800-392-0280

A1-Anon/A1 Ateen (24 hour)

AA (24 hour)

Alcoholism Council

Drug & Poison Control

Tough Love (Parent Support)

Youth Counseling (8:30-5:00 M-Th)


The Institute requires no information regarding vaccinations from potential students to attend school.


The Aveda Fredric’s Institute does not discriminate in admission or access to our programs on the basis of age, race, color, sex, disability, religion, sexual orientation, financial status, veteran status or national origin.

If you would like to request academic adjustment or auxiliary aids, please contact the school’s Section 504 Compliance Coordinator. You may request academic adjustments or auxiliary aids at any time.

Ms. Sara Greider
7664 Voice of America Centre Drive
West Chester, Ohio, 45069

Julie Ferguson
6020 East 82nd Street, Castleton Square Mall
Indianapolis, IN 46250
phone 317-578-5500

Applicants who are persons with disabilities, as defined in paragraph 104.3(j)(1)(i) of the regulation under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, may apply for admittance into the program. The school will work with the applicant or student to provide necessary academic adjustments and auxiliary aids and services unless a particular adjustment would alter or waive essential academic requirements; fundamentally alter the nature of a service, program or activity; or result in undue financial or administrative burdens considering the school’s resources as a whole.

Any qualified individual with a disability requesting an accommodation or auxiliary aid or service should follow this procedure:

  1. Notify the School’s Section 504 Compliance Coordinator, of the type of accommodation needed, date needed, documentation of the nature and extent of the disability, and of the need for the accommodation or auxiliary aid. Requests should be submitted in writing unless you cannot provide the request in writing, in which case the school would accept a verbal request.
  2. The 504 Compliance Coordinator will schedule a time to meet with you after receiving your request for accommodation. The purpose of this meeting is to help ensure that the school is obtaining adequate information and understanding of your individual needs.
  3. The 504 Compliance Coordinator will review the request and provide you with a written determination as soon as practically possible but in no event more than two weeks after receiving the request.
  4. If you would like to request reconsideration of the decision regarding your request, please contact Ms. Sara Greider, the Director of Institutes, within 15 days of the date of the response. Please provide a statement of why and how you think the response should be modified. Statements may be submitted to the school’s Director of Institutes by email at or by mail to6281 TriRidge Blvd. Suite 140, Loveland, OH 45140. You may contact the Director of Institutes by phone at (513) 576-9333.

Discrimination Grievance Procedure
The School has adopted the following Grievance Procedure for addressing complaints of discrimination under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. A person is not required to use this procedure and may instead file a complaint directly with the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights, 1350 Euclid Avenue, Suite 325, 
Cleveland, OH 44115-1812.

Step 1: A person who believes that he/she has been discriminated against by the school is encouraged, but is not required, to discuss the matter informally with the Section 504 Coordinator. If the 504 Coordinator is the subject of the complaint, the grievant may, instead, contact the school’s President, who will appoint another administrator to discuss the matter. The person receiving the complaint shall verbally convey his/her findings to both the person who alleged the violation and the person who is the subject of the complaint within 10 business days.

Step 2: If the informal Step 1 process does not resolve the matter, or if the grievant does not wish to use the informal procedures set forth in Step 1, a written complaint may be submitted to the school’s Section 504 Coordinator who will investigate the complaint. [NOTE: if the Section 504 Coordinator is the subject of the complaint, the complaint should be submitted to the school’s President who will appoint another administrator to conduct the investigation]. The complaint shall be signed by the grievant and include 1) the grievant’s name and contact information; 2) the facts of the incident or action complained about; 3) the date of the incident or action giving rise to the complaint; 4) the type of discrimination alleged to have occurred; and 5) the specific relief sought. Names of witnesses and other evidence as deemed appropriate by the grievant may also be submitted. An investigation of the complaint will be conducted within 10 business days following the submission of the written complaint. The investigation shall include an interview of the parties and witnesses, a review of the relevant evidence, and any other steps necessary to ensure a prompt and thorough investigation of the complaint. A written disposition of the complaint shall be issued within 10 business days of completion of the investigation, unless a specific written extension of time is provided to the parties. Copies of the disposition will be given to both the grievant and the person who is the subject of the complaint. If discrimination or harassment was found to have occurred, the disposition will include the steps that the school will take to prevent recurrence of any discrimination or harassment and to correct its discriminatory effects on the grievant and others, if appropriate.

Step 3: If the grievant wishes to appeal the decision in Step 2 above, he/she may submit a signed, written appeal to the school’s Financial Administrator within 10 business days after receipt of the written disposition. The school Financial Administrator or her designee shall respond to the complaint, in writing, within 10 business days of the date of the appeal. Copies of the response shall be provided to both the grievant and the person who is the subject of the complaint.

The School hereby provides assurance that it strictly prohibits any form of retaliation against persons who utilize this Grievance Procedure. If you have questions regarding these procedures or desire to file a complaint, please contact the School’s Section 504 Coordinator.


Get the Skills to be a Beauty Professional

By submitting this form, you are giving your express written consent for Aveda Institute to contact you regarding our programs and services using email, telephone, or text - including our use of automated technology for calls and periodic texts to any wireless number you provide. Message and data rates may apply. This consent is not required to purchase goods/services.