Are you ready to fulfill your dream of going to beauty school but unsure of how to pay for it? You have come to the right place. We have the guide to finding scholarships that may be available for you! Scholarships do not need to be paid back, as student loans do. There are many different types of scholarships, so many options to find the one(s) that you could qualify for. Scholarships will provide funds to make going to beauty school easier to afford, so you can be on your way to learning about your dream career.
How to apply?
Each scholarship will have different criteria in order to apply. Most will entail an essay, video, and/or images.
Tips for a quality scholarship application:
Read the application thoroughly. Make sure you know exactly what is being asked for before you submit your application.
Be yourself!
Put your very best that you have to offer into the application.
Tips for writing an essay:
EDIT! Have a friend or family member proofread. Pay attention to the word count and what exactly is being asked.
Tips for quality photos and videos:
Pay attention to the background and the lighting. Practice and edit if necessary.